Step By Step Guide

From Ethora iOS & Android ERC-20 & NFT tokenized community platform
Revision as of 07:36, 11 November 2021 by Nikhil.bankar (talk | contribs) (Added initial instructions to step by step guide)
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1) Open the terminal at your project directory and create your new project npx react-native init [proj_name]

It will download the react-native template and install cocoapods dependencies. This may take few minutes depending on your network speed.

2) now we need to go inside the project folder to execute further commands

cd [proj_name]


yarn ios

Executing the above commands in sequence will start the simulator, building the application using yarn ios may take few minutes.

3) Now download the code from GitHub repo and update the folder structure as instructed below.

Locate "src" folder and copy the entire folder

Paste it in your project directory

Now open the project in your code editor

Navigate to index.js

Now we need to change the import from default app.js to app.js from inside the src folder

In order to do this, change import App from './App'; to import App from './src/App';

Navigate to package.json and replace dependencies, devDependencies and jest from package.json of ethora-main to your project's package.json

Go to your terminal again and execute yarn command in your project directory because the package.json is now updated.

This will install all the required packages.

4) Now in your project folder execute the following commands.

cd ios

pod install

5) NOTE: If you're not using M1 chipset mac machine then remove the line __apply_Xcode_12_5_M1_post_install_workaround(installer) from index.js